Welcome to MouseComp

I can be anything you want, or nothing at all...

You can call me Lori or Loring; I'm the computer mouse that's always plugged in! I'm black, 1/4th Korean on my mom's side, and nonbinary; you can refer to me with any pronouns. My gender identity embodies comfort as someone who has always disliked boxes and never understood why I was being put in them. The specific labels just don't concern me, so I embraces the fluid, unboxable things that make me up. "If you feel like the shoe fits, but I've never liked shoes" is how I've often tried to describe my experience with various identities.

My fursona is a "computer mouse"; just an android modeled after an anthro mouse! My very first sona was a cat, but I shifted to a mouse after being inspired by Nazrin from Touhou Project, and eventually added on robotic elements to reflect my love for that sort of thing. They've gone through just as many changes as I have, and I cherish them deeply!

I roughly think of myself as a "jack of trades" — though I'll be the first to admit I'm not particularly great at any one thing, my nature means I like to mess around with a bit of everything! From programming, to art, to writing, I love dabbling in new skills and satiating my appetite for knowledge and new experiences. I also love robots and hi-tech in fiction; this website is reflective of my love for Y2K-era cyberspace aesthetics, specifically those found in series like Mega Man Battle Network.

Some of my major media interests include Sonic the Hedgehog, who was the first game franchise I really got into and sparked my interest in anthropomorphic characters, and Mega Man, who shaped my love for cool, colorful robots and stories about grand conflict and humanity. I have a fondness for stories with cyberpunk themes, as well as those that explore transhumanism and technological advancement. Anything about love, family and heart also really gets me, because I'm a deeply sentimental person ^^' I'm a bit of a reader, though these days I only physically purchase books I really like, and otherwise tend to keep an e-reader with me for holding most of my library.

With visual art, I often hammer away in my weapon of choice, Paint Tool SAI (please support the dev! young artists have been pirating it for years and he should honestly be rich), occasionally pulling out Photopea for any additional finishes or image editing. I'm not too great at truly "finishing" things (whether because of no free time or shaky motivation) so I tend to use art more as a means to an end of quickly conveying ideas through rough sketches and doodles. While I love visual arts, my greatest passion is probably writing; I just love what images one can conjure in the mind with just words alone, and I plan to write some real literary adventures of my own that I hope will be worth it. In time. 😅

I consider myself something of a recluse, and find myself most comfortable alone, but I try to be easygoing and can be very talkative when you get me moving; I enjoy making new friends and gaining new interests, so I always welcome people to hit me up whenever! I promise I won't bite, but you might need to nudge me a few times since I juggle a lot.

Welcome to my little world, and it's a pleasure to meet you!