MouseComp Data Log

We're back in to jack in!

April 22, 2023

it's really nice seeing so much renewed love for Mega Man Battle Network from the collection drop. i don't recall seeing quite this much collective enthusiasm for the previous collections - it could just be what I am coming across, but I think considering the GBA's popularity, as well as the fact that EXE also had an anime among other things, it's a safe assumption that its reach as a "Mega Man" that a lot of kids knew is pretty damn far. i've not a complaint in the world for that 😌

it isn't like these games are nostalgia-carried, either. though some are definitely rougher than others, there's still just so, so much to love. even if it's primarily a visual/presentation thing, the juxtaposition between navigating the real world and battling through the cyberworld is endlessly appealing, and the use of charming "computer-isms" such as CamelCase and the persistent enforcement of an 8-character limit gives it a particular, unmistakable flavor that is equal parts dated and wine-aged. this isn't even going into the battle system, which, even in its earliest form, remains one of the most unique and fun battle systems I'd ever played in an RPG, cleverly mixing elements from turn-based games, real-time action, strategy, and collectable card games.

when i was a youngun, that copy of Battle Network 3 Blue that my dad got me genuinely shaped my taste in a lot of things - my love for "cyberspace" and futuristic aesthetics I think started there, as well as my appreciation for games with collectable aspects and high levels of customization. though i didn't get to complete it, it was also one of my first exposures to a game trying to tell me a story. it's just really awesome to both get reminded of my own love for the series again, and see so many other people get that reminder too - on top of seeing quite a few good friends discover that love for the very first time and "get" what makes these games so unique and special. here's to one of my favorite franchises! i'll have to draw something for it soon...