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I watched Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song!

September 18, 2024

I recently finished a solid little anime series called Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song. And ohhh my god. What a series it was. Whaaat a series it was.️

THE BIG THING IS THAT IT WAS ABOUT ROBOTS, which is no doubt why it was recommended to me (thank you Plum!!!). I may likely write up my complete thoughts in a future entry, but I'll leave it at "it was amazing" for now! This story focuses on Vivy, an earnest singing robot whose goal is to bring happiness with her music. An encounter with the sexiest talking cube ever, Mr. Matsumoto, thrusts her into the role of carrying out "Project Singularity", a mission to alter history and prevent the AI apocalypse 100 years from now! It's a simple yet engaging little hook and premise, and from there it only unravels further into a tale full of action, emotion, and humanity. Gorgeous animation, an engaging plot, some really likable leads and a beautiful soundtrack all punctuate this 13-episode journey that I'm certainly going to remember for years to come.

A piece I did of the two leads, Vivy and Matsumoto! It's probably one of the most intensive things I've done to date, as someone who usually doesn't get past the coloring stage...

I felt like I just had to draw something for it too! I did a little quick sketch a while back, but then I felt like I could improve upon it and do Vivy more justice, so I worked at this piece you see here. The imposter syndrome was heavy, and I was still iffy on the result, but I think it was a great effort. Even though I feel like I should be satisfied with this, I want to draw Vivy again still. I think it's her lovely hair... It's been a few days now, but that girl Vivy and her cube buddy just won't leave my head no matter how hard I try! What a conundrum...

If you like singing, robots, and cubes, maybe check out Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song!